Saturday, April 11, 2009

The morning report on April 10, 2009

I (Kally) have a computer with email and we will send out an email every time there is something to report - one to keep the story straight and two to remember ourselves and that way everyone has access to the information. Please call to confirm you got this email so we can make sure wer have your correct information. Aunt Debbie I have not got an email from you with your siblings adresses so forward this along. If interested - we will send another email with a picture of mom and the helicopter so you're not missing out.

There wasn't a lot of good solid information yesterday. Many doctors are looking at her condition. She never wanted to go to doctors and now has many. The hospital and staff are excellent and she is in good hands. Her first communication this morning (she talks by pointing to letters on a paper to spell as she has a ventilator in her throat and can't speak) anyway, she said 'bath good'. Her nurse gave her a sponge bath last night and we put Lavender essential oil in the rub down and she got a nice 'spa' rub down and must have really enjoyed it. A big male nurse came and helped to adjust her and make her comfortable and she was happy. She is of course on some sedation to keep her calm and relaxed.

She is resting well.

The last 24 hours has been one of observation and not a lot of reporting - sorry that is the way it is.

As all of you know - she has been dealing with some issues for a while. She has been praying to know if she needed medical attention. We had been encouraging her to get some advice. She had some chest pain on Wednesday evening and numbness in her mouth and after a family prayer SHE felt good about going.

The report today -

There is no sign of a recent heart attack. Although the heart has some damage. They are pretty sure it's from a long time ago. The heart should be pumping out 60% of the blood and is only pumping out about 35% right now. This has been causing fluid to back up around the heart and lungs. Of course her swelling in the feet and legs is part of the story as well. When she is more stable they will do an angiogram looking for blockages. So far some of the things they have looked for are good.

At the hospital in Safford she panicked/severe anxiety with the tests. They sedated her and put her on ventilation. When she got to Tucson they stabilized her and have kept her on ventilation to help with some fluid in the lungs. No infection is present. She has been doing good in taking care of herself as there is no infection anywhere in the body and her white blood cell count is excellent (I think they are a bit surprised by this). Last night the Doctors had her oxygen input at 80%. They are starting to wean her off the oxygen, and is now down to 30% and is doing great. They should start to wean her off the ventilator as she is doing good.

She does have a blood clot in each leg. She is on high doses of blood thinners to break them up.

She is on lasix to get the water off her feet and legs.

Her heart and lungs is however the main concern right now and there is much improvement in her blood work and stats. Sodium and potassium are being monitored and balanced. Sugar levels are good. She wasn't diabetic (also I think that surprised them). But she may have issues with it in the future because of the medication.

They did find a small tumor on her pituitary. The neurologist came in this morning briefly and siad it has been there a very long time. Didn't seem to think it was a big deal but will watch it because of the blood thinners. Simple surgery would remove it but it is not necessary at this time. They are checking the endocrine system to follow up on that. There is no relation to the heart with this but it is another thing. He believes it is benign.

Talked with a student doctor that is assisting and she said definitely that extreme snoring would really contribute to her condition. They said she should follow up with a sleep study and get her sleeping better for after care. This causes high blood pressure and Congestive Heart Failure, and the lack of a good night sleep is not good.

She had a chest X-ray this morning - no report.

No cardiologist yet.

Mom is in good spirits. She is relaxed. As I said she has great people doing an amazing job for her. They even have her on pro-biotics (Kally is happy about that). She has been doing great lately at taking care of herself with better eating and supplements and as a result this has helped her right now and made her stronger and more balanced.

She will all of the sudden want her alphabet paper and will point out someone's name to ask how they are. She has also consented to let Chelsey paint her toes. Chelsey brought red and blue.

Mom wants the red polish. But she won't let us put in little pony tails YET! She also want to know when she can have Steak and potatoes wiiiiith lots of butter and sour cream!

We love you all. We are taking turns sleeping so that someone is here with her every minute supporting her. She is still in the ICU.

Love, Kally - Kristi - Chelsey

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